
Lawyers with experiences acquired in reputed Brazilian offices, always in the defense of the interests of large national and international companies, connected to telephony, natural gas distribution, cigarette market, publishing, journalism and real estate.


Demétrio Irineu Grizotto

Founding Partner
OAB/SP: 220.789

Graduated in law from the São Judas Tadeu University, member of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB / SP 220.789) and the Lawyers Association of the State of São Paulo since 2004 and a specialist in Civil Procedural Law from Pontifica Universidade Católica - PUC / SP.

Main Companies Served:
Carta Editorial, Comgás, Even, Goldfarb, Intelig, Sodexho, Souza Cruz, Telefônica, Tok & Stok e Valor Econômico.


Marcelo Carlos de Carvalho

Associate Lawyer
OAB/SP: 371.257

Graduated in law from Faculdade Autônoma de Direito – FADISP, registered with the OAB/SP under nº 371.257.


Audrei Grizotto

Associate Lawyer
OAB/SP: 437.040

Graduated in law from Faculdade de São Sebastião, member of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB / SP 437.040) since 2019.